The scion supplies only aerial parts to the graft 接穗仅作为嫁接植物的“天线”部分。
Chemical constituents from the aerial parts of schnabelia tetradonta 四齿四棱草水提取物的化学成分研究
Study on the chemical constituents of the volatile oil from aerial parts of isodon eriocalyx var . laxiflora 疏花毛萼香茶菜挥发油化学成分的研究
The gmdreba , gmdrebb and gmdrebc genes were expressed at different level in aerial parts of soybean , but undetectable in root 基因gmdreba , gmdrebb和gmdrebc在大豆地上部分分别呈不同水平表达,而在根中检测不到它们的表达。
Sonneratia ) that protrudes well above soil level the aerial part is covered with lenticels through which gases can diffuse to and from the highly developed system of intercellular airspaces 地上部分被有皮孔,气体可以通过皮孔从细胞间隙的高度发达系统间进出。
In aerial parts of the plant the outer wall of the epidermis is usually covered by a waxy cuticle that prevents desiccation , protects the underlying cells from mechanical damage , and increases protection against fungi , bacteria , etc 植物地上部分的表皮的最外层通常覆盖一层蜡质角质层,起保护作用以防止过渡蒸腾,并使下方的细胞免于机械损伤,同时增加对真菌、细菌等的防御能力。
The contents of three valepotriates in v . officinalis also varied significantly different areas , samples from nanchuan of chongqing showing the highest . it is also showed that the contents of three valepotriates in underground part of valerians plants are higher than that in aerial part and the contents of three valepotriates in valeriana jatamansi herb and v . officinal is herb collected in september is highest . valepotriates of valeriana jatamansi were obtained using petroleum ether , with content of valtrate , didrovaltrate and acetovaltrate between 70 % and 80 % 我们以采用rp - hplc法测定不同产地、部位和采收期的缬草属植物中缬草素、二氢缬草素和乙酰缬草素的含量,结果发现缬草类生药蜘蛛香、缬草、宽叶缬草和黑水缬草之间缬草素类成分含量差异显著,其中以蜘蛛香含量最高,缬草次之,宽叶缬草再次,黑水缬草含量最低。
Results dry matter accumulation of aerial part and under ground part of a . dahurica showed " s " curve , dry matter of aerial part gradually increased from the end of july to the early october and got to the peak in mid - october , then gradually decreased ; dry matter of under ground portion increased slowly in earlier stage and became rapidly from the end of august to the end of september , then reduced 结果白芷地上和地下部分干物质积累呈“ s ”型曲线,地上部分干物质在7月底至10月初逐渐增加, 10月中旬达到高峰,随后降低;地下部分干物质前期增加较慢, 8月底至9月底为快速增长期,随后增加稍有减慢。
The anti - microbial activities of crude ethanol extract from aerial parts of sophora alopecuroides and its petroleum ether , chloroform , n - butanol and water fractions of sophora alopecuroides to pythium aphanidermatum , fusarium oxysporum f . sp . cucumerinum , fusarium oxysporum f . sp . lycopersici , alternaria solani , pseudomonas pachrymans and xanthomonas vesicatoria were tested by mycelial radial growth test and agar - well diffusion 本实验采用带毒平板菌丝生长法和琼脂打孔药剂扩散法测定了苦豆子地上部分乙醇粗提物及其石油醚、氯仿、正丁醇和水层的不同极性溶剂萃取物对瓜果腐霉、黄瓜枯萎病菌、番茄枯萎病菌、番茄早疫病菌、黄瓜角斑病菌和番茄疮痂病菌的抗菌活性。